“To Let,” a Tamil drama film directed by Chezhiyan, captivated audiences with its poignant portrayal of the challenges faced by a middle-class family in finding a rented home. The movie not only impressed with its realistic storyline and stellar performances but also showcased a remarkable soundtrack. In this article, we will explore the tracklist of “To Let” and provide a review of each song.
Song Name: “Papa Papa”
The album commences with the heartwarming track “Papa Papa.” Sung by R. Shaktivel, this song sets the tone for the film. The soulful composition by Santosh Narayanan, coupled with the heartfelt lyrics by Vivek, beautifully captures the love and affection within a family. R. Shaktivel’s emotional rendition and the gentle music arrangement make “Papa Papa” a touching opening to the soundtrack.
Song Name: “Vaa Machi Vaada Machi”
Next up is the energetic and uplifting track, “Vaa Machi Vaada Machi.” Sung by Anthony Daasan and Santosh Narayanan, this song adds a dose of liveliness to the album. Santosh Narayanan’s composition, paired with the playful lyrics by Vivek, creates a vibrant and catchy tune. The infectious beats and the energetic vocals make “Vaa Machi Vaada Machi” an instant favorite among listeners.
Song Name: “Sutta Naal”
“Sutta Naal” is a soulful and emotionally charged track that delves into the struggles faced by the characters in the film. Sung by Pradeep Kumar and Ananthu, this song evokes a sense of longing and introspection. Santosh Narayanan’s composition and the poignant lyrics by Vijay Kumar tug at the heartstrings. The heartfelt rendition and the haunting musical arrangement make “Sutta Naal” a standout composition in the album.
Song Name: “Kanmani”
“Kanmani” is a melodious and soothing track that captures the innocence and purity of childhood. Sung by Ananthu, this song brings a touch of nostalgia to the soundtrack. Santosh Narayanan’s composition, combined with the evocative lyrics by Mohan Rajan, creates a serene and enchanting ambiance. The mesmerizing vocals and the gentle music arrangement make “Kanmani” a delightful addition to the album.
Song Name: “To Let Title Track”
The album concludes with the instrumental track, “To Let Title Track.” Santosh Narayanan’s composition takes center stage here, creating a powerful and evocative backdrop. The theme encapsulates the essence of the film’s emotional journey, enhancing the overall experience. “To Let Title Track” serves as a poignant and memorable conclusion to the soundtrack.
The soundtrack of “To Let” adds depth and emotion to the film, thanks to the talented composition of Santosh Narayanan. Each song brings a unique flavor to the album, capturing various emotions and enhancing the storyline. From soulful melodies to energetic beats, the music reflects the film’s realistic narrative and intensifies the overall experience. Santosh Narayanan’s ability to create captivating compositions, combined with the lyrical prowess of the writers, makes the “To Let” soundtrack a memorable one. The music of “To Let” is sure to resonate with fans of Tamil cinema and music lovers alike.